Prepare for a 职业生涯 in the Growing Field of Computer Science
Acquire the skill sets that become building blocks for creative thinking, 沟通, 与康考迪亚大学欧文分校的计算机科学基础和应用学士学位一起解决问题.
As a computer science major, you will explore complex challenges 和 formulate real-world solutions in the design, 发展, 和 analysis of computer software 和 hardware. Building on a well-rounded foundation of core courses, you will also gain real-world skills that employers desire through your coursework. Qualities like adaptability, 速度, 精度, 清晰的沟通, 和 problem-solving will be worked out through group work, supported internship opportunities, 和 a software 发展 project. 通过这个过程,你将具备当今互联经济的必要技能.
菲律宾十大网赌网站的计算机科学专业是与众不同的,因为它将为你提供出色的技术技能,以及一个路德会教徒, Christian liberal arts education that develops your intellectual, 精神上的, 和 ethical habits as wise, 可敬的, 有教养的公民.