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Communication Studies Minor

School of Arts and Sciences


Why minor in Communication Studies? 那些主修口头和书面沟通能力强的学科的学生通常会选择辅修沟通,这样他们就可以为未来的职业选择增加技能. 辅修传播学的专业包括:行为科学, 业务 Administration, Christian Education Leadership, International Studies, Political Science, Psychology, 剧院, and Theology.

  • Communication Minor
  • 18个单位
  • COM 280: Theories of Human Communication
  • 3

作为菲律宾十大网赌网站们用来解释人类交流的理论的系统Explore, this course will deal with rhetoric, persuasion, interpersonal, intercultural, small group, 媒体, organizational, and gender communications.

  • COM 311: Advanced Public Speaking
  • 3

本课程是一门语言交流的高级课程,重点是专业的演讲技巧, 幽默, and the use of stories. Oral assignments will include serious and 幽默ous personal stories that make a point; persuasive and special occasion speeches; and a final professional presentation. Speeches will be viewed and analyzed. Prerequisite: COM 111 or COM 211 or consent of instructor.

  • COM 321: Digital Media Communication
  • 3

This course will focus on the personalities, inventions, developments, terminologies, 以及与七(7)大众传媒行业密切相关的问题,特别强调实习准备和媒体工作机会. Article reports using business magazines, 新闻papers, and trade journals read by 媒体 professionals will be required.

  • Choose three of the following courses:
  • COM 211: Introduction to Argumentation and Debate
  • 3

As a performance-based course, students will learn argument design, use of reason and evidence, 并在竞争激烈的学术辩论环境中练习,重点是批判性思维, research skills, 以及口头表达论点的修辞和表现能力.

  • COM 216: Interpersonal Communication
  • 3

本课程将分析从非正式环境到组织环境中人与人之间的交际行为,探讨诸如吸引力等主题, 信任, 语言, and nonverbal behavior.

  • COM 222: Theory and Practice of Journalism
  • 3

This course will introduce the basics of journalism writing, style, 理论, investigation, 道德, and interviewing including 新闻, 特性, 体育, 审查, and opinion styles. 至少六(6)书面文章将提交给康考迪亚快递.

  • COM 324: Intercultural Communication
  • 3

语言沟通过程中的社会和文化变量以及解决跨文化环境中沟通问题的策略,重点是感知等变量, 角色, 语言 codes, and nonverbal communication will be examined in this course.

  • COM 328: Small Group Communication
  • 3

本课程将探讨与小组交流行为相关的小组过程理论,并分析小组成员的行为, interaction patterns, 以及在各种小组讨论中解决问题的技巧.

  • COM 335: Nonverbal Communication
  • 3

本课程将探讨沟通的非语言方面的理论和研究,重点是发展与外表有关的有效沟通技巧, 衣服, body movement, face and eye communication, vocal cues, and the use of environment and space.

  • COM 340: Rhetorical and Persuasive Theories
  • 3

Primarily from a social scientific approach, 本课程将探讨影响的基本理论和技巧, providing students with an awareness of the nature, 函数, 态度改变的范围以及态度的概念, credibility, resistance to persuasion, 道德, and modern advertising practices.

  • COM 344: Theory and Practice of Interviewing
  • 3

本课程将探讨面试过程中口头沟通的理论和技巧,并结合实际应用, information gathering (as in journalism and investigations), and persuasive interviews (as in selling and legal argument).

  • COM 371: Introduction to Social Media
  • 3

本课程将Explore并介绍社交媒体和其他新兴技术和工具的基础知识, current trends and future directions, 好处, 值, 和风险. 将审查案例研究,以评估社会媒体如何影响和影响通信和营销等领域,以及它如何为未来趋势和发展提供信息. Prerequisites: (关于102年 or 关于201年)及(COM 280 or MKT 341).

  • COM 412: Media and Script Writing
  • 3

This course will examine script writing for radio, television and film with projects including announcements, commercials, 新闻, 特性, documentaries, 喜剧, and game and music shows.

  • COM 422: Studies in Public Relations
  • 3

公共关系(PR)作为一门沟通学科,将在本课程中着重于发展和实施活动,包括公关专业人员的演讲和课堂上的项目/练习,如非营利组织的公共关系, corporate and social responsibility, 媒体 relations, technology, and ethical issues.

  • COM 451: Organizational Communication
  • 3

The role of communication in achieving organizational goals; the 理论 and practice of communication in private and public organizations; and techniques to enhance understanding in organizations will be examined in this course.

  • COM 471: Advanced Strategies in Social Media
  • 3

本课程将利用实用的工具和策略,成功地利用社交网络来开发和理解可以应用于各种应用的核心概念. 本课程将利用实用的工具和策略,成功地利用社交网络来开发和理解可以应用于各种应用程序的核心概念,并为您提供作为业务代表管理社交媒体帐户的必要工具. 在本课程中,您将获得创建社交媒体营销策略的经验, such as curating actual content, creating a social 媒体 training plan, advertisements, and a crisis and metrics plan. Prerequisite: COM 371 or consent of the instructor.

  • COM 485: Rhetorical Criticism
  • 3

修辞学:修辞学批评的历史、性质、目的和方法. 八(8)关键的方法来分析人类交流事件将被研究. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

  • COM 488: Communication Research Methods
  • 3

As an introduction to the research process, this course will examine how research is planned and designed; introduce the process of data collection and analysis; explore the methodology for communication research (including sampling, questionnaire design, and introduction to statistics); and provide experiences in conducting original research. Prerequisite: COM 280.

Current students, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该辅修课程的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成辅修课程的目录年的要求. Please refer to the Academic Catalog for official requirements you must meet to qualify.

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